Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Hamas publicly kill palestinians

Hello readers,
So, Hamas aren't even trying to hide the fact that they kill palestinians themselves.

Also another thing not reported yet by global media, Hamas also killed 2 palestinians and injured dozens while buying food.

Yeah, So on official levels, Hamas kill palestinians, also un-officialy they actually fired rockets at their own schools, hospitals and neighborhoods in the last few days.

And more over than that, they sacrfice palestinians civlians, including women and children as human shields to protect their own facilities and officers:

Hamas is trying to commit double genocide. They want to kill all the Jews, and in the same time killing palestinians.

So seriously, if you want peace, if you want to stop the bloodshed, STOP HAMAS! STOP TERROR!

Dov Trachtman - The Man in Fort

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