Thursday, August 21, 2014

Hamas is ISIS/ISIL

Hello readers,
Close to 200 hundred rockets were fired by Hamas at Israel.

Today I will give you brief understanding of why Hamas is ISIS.

1. Both Sunni-Muslim terror organizations with the end goal of forming a caliphate.

2. They fought together in Syria against Assad. Assad was their former patron.
This caused huge tensions with Syrian government obviously and their S's hiite partners in crime in lebanon, hezbollah. Also, apparently some Hamas prisoners told in the interogations that many of their elite units were deployed in Syria and fought Assad and Hezbollah forces. They joined ISIS battalions and were trained by them in variety of weapons and tactics. They got expirience under their belt. Again, Hamas forces joined ISIS battalions in Syria. Thats probably one of the main reasons why Assad and Hezbollah refused to help their war against Israel.

3. Hamas and ISIS patron is Qatar.
Yeah, many news outlets, intelligence sources and governments point to Qatar for funding those groups. Lately a german minister joined this finger pointing. 
Also worth noting that the arab world turn his back to Qatar while some start support Israel against Hamas more openly. Recognizing its the same threat as ISIS because they are the same.

Share it! Hamas Is ISIS! Stop Hamas! Stop TERROR!

Dov Trachtman - The Man in Fort

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